buat ane, alasan utama pake firewall itu karena males beradepan lagi sama yang namanya spyware. jadi dari pada kompi kita dapet masalah, mending kita tambahin pengaman. masalahnya firewall yang seperti apa yang cocok. ane sih ngasih saran buat juragan2 sekalian yang punya kompi dengan spek standar ato malah minimalis. ane kasih dua alternatif. sunbelt personal firewall atau sygate personal firewall.
mari kita bahas satu persatu...
sygate personal firewall
Free for personal use, Sygate Personal Firewall provides best of breed security in a user friendly interface, protecting your PC from hackers, trojans and DoS attacks.
Features include full-ICS support, protocol driver level protection, enhanced logging, and more.
Sygate Personal Firewall delivers unobtrusive, highly configurable, enforceable rule-based security policy by constantly operating in the background of your PC. Policies regarding applications, trusted IP addresses, ports, protocols and scheduling can be customized to support and secure any network configurations or requirements. Designed with high performance in mind, it delivers top-notch security without sacrificing your computing power.
Note that from November 30th, 2005 all Sygate consumer firewall products have been discontinued but this versions is available here for free use
"buat pemilik kompi dengan spek minim sygate sangat cocok. dia juga pake sistem notification setiap program yang mau konek ke internet, jadi kita kisa ngeblok program atau aplikasi tersebut sehingga ngga bisa konek.
dari pengalaman ane, sygate juga bisa ngeblok windows update, jadi kalo yang takut windows genuine advantage (wga) opsi firewall ini sangat cocok. sebenernya ngga cuma windows update tapi juga bisa ngeblok semua service yang membutuhkan koneksi internet.
satu lagi gan, sygate adalah aplikasi freeware...
sunbelt personal firewall
Protect yourself from hackers. Secure your PC with a 100% free firewall download. Sunbelt Personal Firewall (SPF), previously known as Kerio Firewall, was called "our favorite" by PC Magazine.
The Windows Firewall (both XP and Vista) is worse than useless, it gives you a false sense of security. Why? It only filters incoming traffic. That means if malware has compromised your PC, it is able to send out all your personal info. That's right; the Windows "firewall" does not stop that! But SPF...
- Supports Windows XP and Vista
- Filters both ingoing and outgoing traffic!
- Keeps hackers out and your private info inside.
- Works great with VIPRE Antivirus + Antispyware
- Easy to use and does not slow down your PC!
ane rasa sunbelt mendekati sempurna untuk firewall berkualitas dengan hanya membutuhkan sedikit resourch. sunbelt punya banyak banget fitur, mulai dari ngeblok iklan (seperti adsense dll), blok website, dan banyak lagi deh.
kelemahannya kalo kita ngga teliti waktu mengupdate windows bisa2 kita kena wga karena kita belum mensetting windows update ke mode "notifice me but don't download automatic". atau dengan menghapus site exception nya windows di sunbelt firewall.
sunbelt firewall itu non comercial freeware.
untuk nilai akhir sih ane lebih pilih sunbelt karena memiliki fitur bloking yang lebih lengkap.
buat para juragan yang mau bertanya silahkan tinggal kan komentar di bawah....
thanks ya gan...